Thursday, April 25, 2013

Video Using iMovie

For assignment number 8 we created a short video.  We spent time out of class with our small groups to write a script and film for our video.  After this was finished we individually edited our group footage to create a short unique video.  The program we used to do this was iMovie.  

Using iMovie, I learned:

-How to cut unneeded sections of my film out
-How to rearrange video clips to an order that flows and makes sense 
-Video clip transitions (ex: fading into the next clip)
-How to add additional sounds/music to a video
-How to add text to individual sections of a video or apply them to the whole video
-What formats to save your video in
-How to upload a video to YouTube

My video on Youtube: 10 Things NOT To Do In Class

Link to this video



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